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CFE power outages and capacity

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CFE power outages and capacity Empty CFE power outages and capacity

Post by dean Tue Sep 17, 2019 8:09 pm

facebook post wrote:News update on power outages.
The Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) will improve electricity generation capacity in Baja California Sur after the state was hit by a series of blackouts due to low capacity earlier this year.
CFE operations director Carlos Andrés Morales Mar announced the plan at an event with Governor Carlos Mendoza Davis.
Morales said that electricity distribution problems in Baja California Sur have been caused by poor maintenance of the state’s generation plants. By October, the CFE will restore 42 megawatts of generation capacity that are currently out of service.
Morales also said that a natural gas power plant being built in Pichilingue will be equipped with energy-saving technology including heat recuperators, and will have a capacity of 170 megawatts when it goes into operation.
By the summer of 2021, another four new generators will be operating, he said. “That will mean the production of 170 megawatts, which will relieve the pressure on the electricity system.”
In total, Morales said that Baja California Sur will have an additional 472 megawatts of generation capacity by the end of 2022.
Governor Mendoza said that Baja California Sur’s current generation capacity should be close to 750 megawatts, while peak consumption is around 550 megawatts. However, due to poor maintenance of generating facilities, capacity is sometimes actually closer to 550 megawatts, forcing the CFE to cut service at peak consumption times.
“In 2020, we will have an additional 280 megawatts, which will make it less likely for us to face this kind of circumstance,” said Mendoza.
The lights went out in Baja California Sur cities at least three times over the summer.


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CFE power outages and capacity Empty Re: CFE power outages and capacity

Post by dean Thu May 18, 2023 10:37 pm

my guess is,,, on Monday when I went by our local transformer I saw a couple CFE trucks. From what I could see is they poured another concrete pad next to our existing transformer. They had a crane with a second transformer on it. So I am assuming they were getting ready to place the second new transformer into position on the new cement pad to mount it down. So they are going to hook it up tomorrow and test it. So a few questions I have are will they be using one as a backup? or are they doubling our power capacity as the second one looked to be about the same size. I will go inspect it after they are done tomorrow and see what they did do.

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CFE power outages and capacity Empty Re: CFE power outages and capacity

Post by dean Fri May 19, 2023 5:01 pm

I drove by and looked and no work was done today obviously. the transformer was in place but not hooked up. It is as I thought, exactly the same size as the other one, 2000 KVA. So basically able to double the power of the town for expansion for a few years.

What is good about this is we have a transformer issue every few years and with this they will be able at lest react quickly to supply partial power to the town till they get another transformer and install time.


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CFE power outages and capacity Empty Re: CFE power outages and capacity

Post by dean Sun Jul 09, 2023 9:58 pm

Just an observation for those of us on the electrical grid. CFE put in a new transformer at the entrance to the town a month or two ago. It is in what we call in technical terms in parallel which doubles our total wattage. It never had its activation fuses hooked in that I noticed. But today driving by it I could see they were in place. So this effectively doubled our net power rating.

Needless to say our peak demand for power undoubtable has to be summer. With two kids who love their rooms cool can say my consumption is nearly 2 times the winter consumption even with inverter AC units that are the most efficient. Ya I like my room dehumidified is the setting i set mine at.


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CFE power outages and capacity Empty Re: CFE power outages and capacity

Post by dean Mon Jul 10, 2023 11:31 am


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CFE power outages and capacity Empty Re: CFE power outages and capacity

Post by dean Sun Jul 23, 2023 2:31 pm

BCS electrical system exceeds the historical demand for electrical energy

This Friday, July 21, CENACE registered the maximum demand of 624 MW, exceeding 2022 when it registered 595 MW

Adriana Marquez | The South Californian

La Paz, Baja California Sur. (OEM-Informex)

Once again, Baja California Sur faces a summer in the midst of an energy crisis. Last Friday, users reported blackouts in four municipalities of the state: Los Cabos, La Paz, Loreto and Ciudad Constitución. The failures lasted up to 50 minutes, according to user complaints.

Read: Blackouts Friday in La Paz

According to the National Center for Energy Control (CENACE), the maximum demand for electricity in Baja California Sur was 624 MW on Friday, July 21 at 5:00 p.m.

Officially, the demand of 2022 has been exceeded when the historical maximum registered 595 MW, in addition, it could exceed at any time the forecast of this year by the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) of 635 MW since this same center already forecasts a demand of 652 MW.

Until the time of going to press, the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) has not issued a statement to publicize the causes of these electrical failures.

The director of the Center for Renewable Energy and Environmental Quality (CERCA) stressed that it is alarming that these demands are being registered since electrical systems cannot jump from one year to another with 20% higher consumption, since it is an unsustainable issue in financial terms.

"We have already exceeded the historical demand registered in 2022 with 595 MW, we already see that this number is being exceeded at the beginning of the summer so, as the CFE commented, we are also expecting a demand that could exceed 650 MW, with the current heat waves it could be close to 700 MW according to our forecasts."

"The warning part, in terms of electricity consumption, is that electrical systems cannot make a 20% jump in demand from one year to the next, because that is unsustainable in financial terms."


Federal government guarantees electricity payment subsidy for BCS
On July 14, 2023, the president of the republic, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, was questioned by El Sudcaliforniano regarding the electrical failures that were already beginning to be registered in the state. The executive denied that there will be blackouts in Baja California Sur since he assured that power generation in the state has increased.

“No, there are no blackouts. Surely there have been some problems, but it is no longer what happened before that there was a lack of electricity, I told you that the generation plants of the Federal Electricity Commission have been expanded, not only were the plants expanded, but a plant was purchased for Baja California Sur. Maybe you have other elements, I have other data” AMLO replied.

In 2022, the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) announced an investment of 180 million dollars in a gas plant in the port of Pichilingue for the production of electrical energy that will supply the municipalities of La Paz and Los Cabos, thus guaranteeing sufficient electrical energy and not a single blackout.

Jaqueline Valenzuela mentioned that they are now waiting to know the results of the investment made by the CFE, mainly in the electricity generation part, which is enough so that we do not have more supply cuts and, above all, that it does not exceed the unfavorable 2019 where there were more than 250,000 affected users.

"We must be aware as a population of the high temperatures that are being recorded according to weather forecasts."

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"NASA is reporting more heat waves that are causing other types of events, which also have an impact on high temperatures, and the state of the electrical infrastructure, such as the formation of sandstorms, we see a global phenomenon with local effects, we hope to see what the CFE's response capacity is."

Although the origin of the failures that led to blackouts in the state is still unknown, in La Paz, at least 20 neighborhoods in the state capital presented power cuts during the hot Friday afternoon, in addition to towns close to the area.


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CFE power outages and capacity Empty Re: CFE power outages and capacity

Post by dean Mon Aug 07, 2023 1:14 pm


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CFE power outages and capacity Empty Re: CFE power outages and capacity

Post by dean Sun Apr 28, 2024 10:49 pm

Also it is interesting to read that they are increasing our capacity, is what my google translate is telling me. I would have to look at my notes but about 2 years ago they doubled our capacity by adding a second transformer of the same size. AsI have been driving past our transformers lately I have seen they have added a cooling system to one of the transformers, so maybe one has shown indications of failing.

though it is not real hot right now, what I do with hurricanes approaching is the day before set the fridge and freezer temperature as low as I can and fill any empty space with water bottles in the freezer and water or soda bottles in the refrigerator to have a lot of cold mass and do not open the fridge or freezer once the power goes off. And put some ice in a cooler with my drinks for the day.

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CFE power outages and capacity Empty Re: CFE power outages and capacity

Post by dean Mon Apr 29, 2024 10:39 pm

went today to look at power transformers. Appears the one they put in a year ago has been replaced with another that is a 1000kva one that has the fans I noticed. CFE power outages and capacity Whatsa10


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CFE power outages and capacity Empty Re: CFE power outages and capacity

Post by dean Wed May 01, 2024 9:33 am

They removed the existing two transformers and put in a single one that has a lot more heat dissipating ribs. I was not able to see the rating of the transformer they put in.

Our power outages are because Baja Sur does not have enough capacity during the summer. Many articles about that from the papers in LaPaz. If you notice we did not have a single outage during the winter. Last summer we had higher temperature by maybe 2 degrees F which they could not plan for and with AC units affordable for more people well we are low priority vs places that have many tourists like cabo.
So we have our rolling blackouts.

I replaced two older refrigerators that used 2 times the power as the new really efficient ones that hit the market this year. And added solar to decrease my use by 30%. BTW I use my old fridges to store dry food items in (bugs can not get in), and I store plumbing parts in one electrical repair parts in another.

CFE power outages and capacity 20240411

CFE power outages and capacity 20240410

CFE power outages and capacity 20240412

CFE power outages and capacity 20240415

CFE power outages and capacity 20240413

CFE power outages and capacity 20240414


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CFE power outages and capacity Empty Re: CFE power outages and capacity

Post by dean Thu May 02, 2024 9:33 pm

it was reported someone read the nameplate it is a 3000kva transformer.


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CFE power outages and capacity Empty Re: CFE power outages and capacity

Post by dean Sun May 12, 2024 11:45 pm



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CFE power outages and capacity Empty Re: CFE power outages and capacity

Post by dean Mon May 13, 2024 7:11 am

air quality,Baja-California-Sur?

Last edited by dean on Wed Jul 24, 2024 12:29 pm; edited 1 time in total


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CFE power outages and capacity Empty Total BCS recharge of megawatts this 2024

Post by dean Tue Jun 04, 2024 9:06 pm

Total BCS recharge of megawatts this 2024


Raymundo León / The Sudcaliforniano

La Paz, Baja California Sur.- This 2024, Baja California Sur is preparing to face the increase in demand for electrical energy, which increases when thermometers show high temperatures and turning on air conditioners in homes, businesses and schools becomes a necessity, including more environmentally friendly options.

Read: Students are free from work stoppage but not the heat in the classrooms

Last year, the peak demand for electrical energy in Baja California Sur reached the all-time high of 680 MW, but with the new installations it is expected that although demand increases in the upcoming summer, the situation of 2019 will not be repeated. when electricity testing was resorted to in the face of increasing consumption and more limited generation capacity.

According to the National Water Commission, the heat wave is a climatic phenomenon that occurs in Mexico during the last fortnight of July and lasts 40 days, a period in which a fan is no longer enough, and even more so when several people are together in the same space.

The installed electricity generation capacity in Baja California Sur currently reaches 1,300 megawatts (MW), considering the two systems of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) in the north and south of the state, and plants of private companies, reported the professor. researcher at the Autonomous University of Baja California Sur (UABCS), Alfredo Bermúdez Contreras.

The head of the renewable energy program at the highest educational institution said that after the “blackouts” of 2019 due to the growing demand for electrical energy in the state, the installed capacity has grown, although there have also been some generation losses. of some units that are operating at reduced capacity or out of service completely.

Last April, the United States ambassador to Mexico, Ken Salazar, announced that the electrical terminal of the American company New Fortress Energy (NFE) located in La Paz, Baja California Sur, increased its generation capacity from 100 to 135 megawatts (MW).

This energy, he specified in a statement, is produced with liquefied gas instead of fuel oil, so it is less polluting and reduces emissions into the atmosphere, reduces costs, increases energy efficiency and helps take care of the environment.


NFE's liquefied gas plant in La Paz, which was completed in 2021, making it the company's newest, has contributed to reducing the use of fuel oil in Baja California Sur by more than 25%, by replacing it with liquefied gas, which that contributes to improving the quality of life of families in the region.

New Fortress Energy is joined by other US investments and technologies through companies such as Eurus America and Invenergy, in the state of Baja California Sur. The three companies generate 220 MW in clean and less polluting energy, representing a third of the generation of this entity's electrical system.

The ambassador specified that of the other two US investments the following can be highlighted: The Invenergy solar plant is one of the most modern renewable energy projects in Mexico. It has a capacity to produce 35 MW and can store 20 MW, which allows it to have electricity despite changing environmental conditions.

Eurus America's El Coromuel Wind Plant has the capacity to produce 50 MW, which represents about six percent of the state's energy demand. At the same time, it has storage that serves as a backup to the electrical grid.

In addition to contributing to protecting the environment and natural resources of Baja California Sur, Salazar added, US investments help make people's quality of life better, both by having better air quality and by having energy options. cleaner, safer and more affordable that respond to energy demand, particularly in the hottest months of the year.

“Thus, we promote the efforts that we undertake with the Government of Mexico to move towards clean energy, take care of the planet and promote both development and sustainable tourism,” he explained.

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In recent electricity supply interruptions in different states of Mexico, Baja California Sur was not affected, because it depends on a system isolated from the rest of the country.

In March, the diplomat himself said that Baja California Sur is an example of the opportunities that arise from clean energies, such as care for the environment and biodiversity, the arrival of investments and the generation of jobs for the prosperity of the people. of this region. Mexico has the potential to be the main producer of clean energy in North America.


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