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heard this yesterday Empty meteors

Post by dean Mon Nov 14, 2022 1:40 pm



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heard this yesterday Empty What Is An Ejido

Post by dean Wed Mar 23, 2022 10:31 am

What Is An Ejido


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heard this yesterday Empty Re: heard this yesterday

Post by dean Sun Jul 31, 2016 1:16 pm



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heard this yesterday Empty Re: heard this yesterday

Post by dean Thu Mar 31, 2016 7:54 am

The Museo de La Ballena y Ciencias del Mar in La Paz on the Malecon at 16th of Sept. has 2 hour Whale Shark Tours, 500 pesos includes mask, snorkel, fin rental & bottled water on the boat. Schedule a tour for 8am to 10am or 1:30pm to 3:30pm by making a reservation at least a day in advance paying 50% & show up a half hour before your scheduled tour. Contact Javier Serrato at 612 143 7361


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heard this yesterday Empty Re: heard this yesterday

Post by dean Wed Mar 02, 2016 6:41 am

lpg wrote:Back in January one of our state representatives started the process to end the need to go to Aduanas to get a customs stamp for shipments to mainland Mexico. Posted on facebook by colectivo pericu and el informante bcs, digital news media surws As of 22February, this is now the case. No longer necessary to go to customs on 5 de Febrero first to send packages to other states in Mexico.


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heard this yesterday Empty Re: heard this yesterday

Post by dean Sat Jan 02, 2016 3:53 pm

The Buffadora Road at South Beach: Hi All, this is Alana and Brett Hatton, and we are the new stewards of a beautiful piece of land down on South beach.

You've probably seen the geodesic domes popping up, that's us! We are excited to be putting down roots in this community. There is one change happening this week, that we want you all to be aware of. The road that goes to the Buffadora and Hike & Bike trail now, cuts through our property. This is not an actual legal road and does not exist on any surveys. It is our desire to keep the access open for everyone for as long possible. However, it is inevitable that it will be closed as more development occurs along South Beach. As of this week, we will be redirecting traffic through the arroyo. You will see a gate up where the road used to go, please drive to the left and down into the arroyo. Then turn right and you will be able to rejoin the Buff road in 150 meters. When the arroyo is full, we will open the gates so traffic can get to the Buff, but PLEASE move slowly. We have little children, dogs and friends staying on the land, and it's really dangerous with high speed traffic passing through. Please email us if you have any questions, and thanks in advance for your cooperation.


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heard this yesterday Empty movies in LaVentana...

Post by dean Sat Dec 06, 2014 12:07 pm

Welcome to Gringo Flicks - six terabytes of movies, TV shows and documentaries in computer file formats. I've been copying movies for people for a few years now but it's time to ask for donations to provide this service. It's a time consuming process so your donation will be greatly appreciated!

How Gringo Flicks works
* Click List of Titles on the menu above
* Enter your Contact info
* Make your selections
* Click Send (your selections are sent to me in an email)
* Bring me your external storage drive
* I contact you when I've finished copying your selections.
Please try to avoid bringing USB flash memory, it takes 10 times as long to copy to! See the Hardware link for external drive suggestions.
On average the movies are about 2 gig each. You'll need a lot more space for an entire series like Downton Abbey or Game of Thrones and something like the History Channels' 'The Universe' series, could be 200 gig.
Copying 200 movies (roughly half a terabyte) takes about 10 hrs, plus the time to scan your drive for gremlins. Please remember this when considering your donation.


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heard this yesterday Empty from LPG political protests

Post by dean Fri Sep 12, 2014 12:43 pm

Because of a legacy of US intervention  in Mexican affairs, Mexico enacted
the legislation which David Crow describes:  "The question of foreign
nationals' involvement in domestic politics is thorny  in any country. During my
stay in Mexico, friends would jokingly threaten to  apply the dread
constitutional Article 33 against me. That article forbids  foreigners from getting
mixed up (inmiscuirse) in Mexican politics on pain of  expulsion from the
country. Often forgotten by those who brandish Article 33  (both jokingly and
seriously) is that the same article guarantees foreigners all  the same
rights that attach to Mexican citizens--including freedom of  expression. Thus,
some Mexican jurists interpret Article 33's prohibition on  political
activity strictly as applicable only to illegal voting or to party  proselytism.
All other political involvement, according to this interpretation,  would be
Article 33 was invoked several years ago  against a group of foreigners,
mostly Italians, who entered the country to  observe human rights in Chiapas.
The Italians marshalled the doctrine of  "universal jurisdiction",
claiming--correctly, I believe--that human rights were  within the competence of the
international community. The pleas fell on deaf  governmental ears, but many
domestic human rights groups welcomed the  international presence as
necessary to exert pressure on the Mexican government.  After all, argued the
human rights groups, it makes little sense for the  government to police itself
on its own alleged violations. They also pointed out  that South American
dictatorships rejected international intervention precisely  on the grounds
that abuses, no matter how atrocious, were internal affairs. 
But there are a host of other affairs on  which involvement of foreigners
in politics seems warranted. For instance, when  the National University of
Mexico (UNAM) decided to raise tuition rates, this  decision affected
non-nationals as well as Mexicans. Thus, some foreigners  became involved in the
protests. (My own involvement was limited to attending an  organizational
meeting of graduate students; I subsequently became disillusioned  with the
anti-democratic tactics of the "ultra" wing of the protesters.) Another  example
is involvement in neighborhood associations that lobby the city for 
Clearly, international business concerns  are very ably
represented--oftentimes by domestic lobbyists and PR firms--in  national legislatures and the
public arena generally. To distinguish political  protest somehow from this
sort of legislative lobbying would rest on the  thinnest of logical bases:
both involve free speech rights guaranteed by  international conventions and
most national constitutions. Legally, it is  unclear to what extent national
constitutions protect non-citizens; ethically,  it is unconscionable to deny
someone basic rights merely because he or she is  not a citizen. In any
event, non-citizens' liberties do fall under the auspices  of international
agreements. I should add, however, that rioting is obviously  beyond the pale
of any legal protection". 
Ronald  Hilton - 5/30/02


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heard this yesterday Empty Re: heard this yesterday

Post by dean Fri Sep 12, 2014 9:39 am

electric bicycle/motos  with large off road wheels starts at $1,200.00 and goes up to triple that.  15 mile range to 28 for more expensive.  who does more than 15 in this town.   

heard this yesterday 45right%20business%20card

Last edited by dean on Fri Sep 12, 2014 1:27 pm; edited 2 times in total


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heard this yesterday Empty laventana helicopter youtube

Post by dean Mon Sep 08, 2014 7:08 am


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heard this yesterday Empty Looking To Rent Your Home Beware

Post by dean Mon Sep 01, 2014 9:44 pm


Property Owners Looking To Rent Your Home Beware! - I'm a longtime Baja resident, that leased my property longterm to a American family over 1 year ago. There's a new trend in southern Baja....Deadbeat Gringos! Seems word has gotten out to those who wish to scam homeowners into living for free on your property without being able to get them removed for up to 2 years. That's right, rent free. We are in legal process to get these deadbeat lowlifes off our property [identifying content deleted]. Before renting to anyone make sure you check with the Lapaz municipal court for prior demandas. We didn't and it would've saved us! They have a history of this locally. These deadbeat Gringos portray themselves as wonderful law abiding [identifying content deleted]! Beware! [identifying content deleted]. Contact me if you've had the same kind of issue. These people need to be in prison and deported! ☞ Jordon Cameron, [][/email], Todos Santos

Editor's Note - There are serious anti-defamation laws in Mexico, and specifically in Baja California Sur. This is a reminder that, as a matter of policy, the Baja Western Onion will not be a party to articles that accuse anyone by name of a wrongdoing or crime, whether rightly or wrongly, and we will delete any information that might identify someone accused of a wrongdoing or crime.

The Baja Western Onion and our readers can't know all the facts in a dispute, and can't be expected to sit as judge and jury to determine guilt or innocence. The police and the courts are the proper place to resolve these kinds of disputes. - heard this yesterday FssibzL


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heard this yesterday Empty Worlds largest swimming pool

Post by dean Thu Aug 21, 2014 1:03 pm

a concept for making LaPaz  a summer destination for Mainland Mexico and a Silicon valley of Mexico.   The world longest swimming pool should be in LaPaz....

heard this yesterday La_paz11

Right now there is no reason to come to LaPaz from the mainland for a vacation in the summer other than safety from serious crime.    The beaches just are not like in the heart of things like south beach USA.   this is because the water is really not swimmable being brackish and the hazards of stingrays jelly fish.  So hotels are not used in LaPaz in the summer.     

What  a resort did in chile because of the critters in the water is they made a faux pool.   Even though they were beachfront no one wanted to go in the ocean.    They used the oceans water and made a pool  a safe retreat.   also making it the worlds largest swimming pool.   Recently in Japan they announced putting in a swimming pool down the middle of the streets sky scrapers in a city a very LONG lap pool.  

What I believe LaPaz could do very economically is put in the longest swimming pool on the malecon.    Put in a levy about 50-100 yards out because it is so shallow.    Place it parallel to the road all the way out to cromwell slides.  Because the water is so shallow it is lower cost to build this levy.    Make the levy wide enough to have parking on both side and a one way street.   This would solve the parking issues with downtown LaPaz.   And the traffic this would be one direction of car flow and the existing malacon would be the the opposite direction increasing safety for pedestrians crossing.   

Next at cromwell during high tide they allow water to flow into the pool so the water entering is always clean sea water, and it goes through a filtration system that prevents the sting rays and man-of-wars and other fish from entering.     The natural gravity could be all that is needed to do this and or draining the water from tubes at the bottom of the sea with screens a bit further out may accomplish this. at the opposite side during low tide excess water can be allowed to exit the pool area to keep the water always clean.    

What this can do is make the downtown a real beach community like many other cities in the world.   And make a great way to exercise, imagine having a one way swim of a few miles unobstructed.   In the summer it is hard to get exercise in LaPaz because of the heat, so at night you see large numbers of people bicycling and walking on the malecon, now 24 hours a day they can go for a several miles swim with what is considered one of the most useful exercises there are.    This I believe could induct high tech companies to locate in this region for all the outdoor activities it has, this solves one of the biggest ones is summer to hot to do things while the sun is out.    and for Mexican from the mainland to bring their family for a safe vacation in the summer would be ideal.    

Here are my pics to do this.    Again very reasonable cost to do this because it is so shallow.

     heard this yesterday Pool10

     heard this yesterday La_paz10
also note this gives LaPaz another layer of protection in case of a hurricane.   on this levy, their would be a sidewalk, a bicycle lane, picnic areas, rinse off facilities after swimming and much more.   there would be walkway bridges to shortcut across as well as small islands for enjoyment.

Here are the other project the one in Chile which is the worlds largest right now and expensive to maintain because they do not use the tides.   

heard this yesterday Pool_c10

Here is the one to open in Japan in 2015

heard this yesterday Japan_10


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heard this yesterday Empty Re: heard this yesterday

Post by dean Sun Aug 17, 2014 6:38 am

.  2 60" tv's, ice cold a/c and great food.  like a 50's diner with root beer floats, milkshakes, banana splits, burgers, great fries, onion rings etc.  the kobe beef come from greg normans ranch in australia.  a lot of the food is imported from USA.  their prime rib comes from nevada.
alessandro, the chef has been there since palermos opened and is a wonderful chef and person.  he'll pretty make you anything you want if you ask.  jimmy madden, the new owner/operator is a hands on guy from vegas.  ran some large scale operations there and knows his stuff.  you can order off the WTF menu in palermo's too.  every time my wife and i leave there, we always say, "why go anywhere else"  everyone thinks palermo's is expensive, but for the quality and ambiance i thinks it's quite reasonable.  they have excellent wine by the glass and the "pour" is double most restaurants.  1 glass instead of 2 keeps the bill down.  
lastly they have valet parking and know when you're ready to leave, so your cars waiting with the a/c cranking.  small tip and you're on your way!!  WTF is the old sports bar that was connected to palermos, on the malicon.  the bar's still there but now it's like a 50's diner.  has a really nice waterfall inside.  alesandro is the chef for both, you enter through a side door beside the AeroMexico office.
6a. Re: wtf burger bar
    Posted by: "makaloco" mmakaloco
    Date: Sat Aug 16, 2014 8:29 pm ((PDT))

I finally tried WTF, and everyone's comments were spot on! My black and blue burger was heaven, and I loved the bread it was served on. That and the balsamic sauce made the excellent burger really special. I didn't expect to like sweet potato fries, but they, too, were delicious. Service was prompt and friendly, and the food arrived quickly. My ONLY complaint is that the restaurant is too cold, at least for a full-time paceña in a sundress. I had missed Jimmy's warning to bring a jacket and hope to remember next time. WTF is on the Malecón between Hidalgo and Morelos, just before Aeromexico. Open daily starting at 1 pm.
from LPG


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heard this yesterday Empty Re: heard this yesterday

Post by dean Tue Apr 22, 2014 7:58 pm

Thanks to local volunteers and donors, our Los Barriles WILDCOAST chapter is pleased to announce that we now have 12 dog poop bag stations installed at beach locations stretching from 3 miles north of town to La Ribera. We presently have five stations ready for "adoption". For more information on how you can help please contact:  
Our mission is to create awareness of the value of our beaches, and to encourage conservation and public stewardship of this important natural treasure.
(Does this mean there's almost no excuse for leaving your dog's poop on the beach?  heard this yesterday Pony_head)



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heard this yesterday Empty Re: heard this yesterday

Post by dean Mon Mar 03, 2014 10:03 am

KiteFoil GoldCup México starts in La Ventana March 13-17th, 2014
The new world circuit for hydrofoil kiteboarding starts in La Ventana this March 13th.
This action packed world cup will have the best foilboarders in the world competing for the victory in this cutting edge regatta.
For more info visit //  Interested in volunteering?   Contact:


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heard this yesterday Empty Vivero El Moy

Post by dean Sat Feb 15, 2014 11:03 am

Vivero El Moy is Open Wednesday thru Saturday"  in El Sargento..  On Tuesdays and we will have Open House - Tuesdays 9 am to Noon.  Come see our large selection of plants, trees  and fresh, delicious, organic vegetables from the local Rancho Norio.  We will keep it fresh and stocked well. ..our organic vegetables are ready. Bringing our best to you!   We have locally Grown Palm Trees at Rancho La Noria. All pick. We can deliver, and we offer guarantees and specials.  
Steve & Analise - 114-0116 -  
Spanish: call Moises at 612-149-1053, English: call Steve or Analise at 114-0116.


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heard this yesterday Empty via BPE

Post by dean Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:43 am

Notice To All Vacation Rental Owners In Todos Santos And Pescadero - In November the state government sent officials to close all Todos Santos and Pescadero houses, hotels, and B & Bs operating illegally. They were prepared to evict guests, and place banners on each place indicating it was closed. The Todos Santos and Pescadero Hotel Association intervened and requested they not take action due to the negative impact on tourism. The government agreed, but stated that it will return to close illegal establishments and that the Hotel Association will not be able to intervene. To legalize your lodging establishment, the following may be required. Please contact your accountant or lawyer:
• Register with the tax bureau (Hacienda)
• Obtain a corporate tax identification number (RFC)
• Obtain a state permit to function as a commercial entity
• Pay 3% hotel tax (a state tax)
• Pay IVA of 16%
• Pay ISR taxes of up to 35%
• Register with the water and electricity companies as a corporate entity
• Comply with civil protection laws (safety codes)
• If you are a legal registered and tax paying entity. Leave copies of your documents with your renters so they can show the authorities.
If you are a legal registered and tax paying entity. Leave copies of your documents with your renters so they can show the authorities. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Todos Santos and Pescadero Hotel Association, and we encourage all legal entities to join the association. - - Asociacion de Hoteles y Anfitriones de Todos Santos y Pescadero. A.C.


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heard this yesterday Empty who kills more humans a shark or an ant?

Post by dean Mon Feb 03, 2014 2:14 pm


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heard this yesterday Empty ventana view

Post by dean Sat Dec 07, 2013 8:19 am

VENTANA BAY SERVICES   (All ads need to be short 3-4 lines max.)
 In Casa Verde's office and coffee shop we have displayed the art of the very talented Em Herzstein, a local artist. Stop by and check it out, maybe buy some art as a Christmas present. The art represents local scenes and kiting. We have different sized, framed and unframed works as well as post cards to write your Christmas wishes in. All of the money goes to the local fishermen who lost their motors this summer.
Spa Verde sells gift certificates for ALL services. They make a great gift for your family & friends for the upcoming holidays.
 LA BUENA VIDA!   Gifts and More -- Unique gifts available at the newest store in El Teso,  “La Buena Vida”  which means “The good life”, located in the new Plaza in El Teso! 
We have original La Ventana T-shirts, hats, hoodies, beer mugs, shot glasses, coffee cups, jewelry, recycled kite bags, swimsuits, artwork,  and much more.   Come by and check it out!  We are still working on our hours of operation, but for now, we will be open from 8AM -Noon, Mon - Saturday.   Closed on Sundays!  Great place to do some Christmas shopping!  Hope to see you all soon!  La Buena Vida!
Law firm of Miguel Leon was Transformed in CySE del Cortes... Our new address is located in: Morelos #685 St. and Gomez Farias St. in Midtown of La Paz.  We are a group of professionals in different areas. We are lawyer, counters, publicist, civil engineer.  We offer our services for facilitate to you the management in the goverment this being our specialty.  Office: 01-612-2-2889, my cell: 044-612--713-75. 
If you need to make  the temporary import of your vessel, Port check in, port clearance, maritime safety inspections, fishing licences, permits to visit protected areas (Islands and reefs, Sierra de la Laguna) .  We are in the best position to help you with your paperwork, driver license,to get your health insurance medical (Seguro Popular), or your INAPAM (Senior's card) [][/email] or phone 612 1972622,  612 16 56503.
On the water Kite gear Storage at Palapas Ventana. 6 new locked lockers- safe and secure for keeping your gear ready to use close to the water - no more sand in the car
120 doll hairs per month. [][/email]
NO WIND No Problem..Fishing, Spearfishing, SCUBA, learn to spearfish, island exploration, snorkel with sea lions, whale shark trips with researchers,  and more.  3 pangas, professional  captains and english speaking guides ready to set you up for success -  QUESTION: where did Palapas Ventana get the 112 lb wahoo on tuesday??  ANSWER: right behind the gill plate.  QUESTION: but where exactly did you spear it?? ANSWER: right behind the gill plate..come and find out for yourself at Palapas Ventana - Reserve quickly before that pesky wind comes back  - come in and check out our deadly  accurate long range forecasts for both sides of the Island of BAJA.  [][/email]  612 114 0198
Rene has secure concrete storage lockers at his home in El Sargento. They are available on a monthly basis and are 40 US coconuts per month. His house is easy to find. Pass the baseball stadium and then BMG Hardware then turn right and go up 2 blocks. You will see the numbered storage lockers in the second block on your right hand side.
Whale sharks have arrived for the 2013/2014 season, take a tour to snorkel with the friendly  giants. Tour includes transportation to and from La Paz, 3 1/2 hours of boat time, healthy snack and a bilingual guide. Price 75 rocks per person, 4 people minimum. More info stop by Los Bandidos Bar.
LVX Kite School - Beginner to Advanced Kite Boarding Sessions - 612 -139 - 3919
LVX SUP - Kayak - Hobie Cat - Rentals & Instruction - 612 -139 - 3919
Come and indulge yourself at Pasteleria Paty.  Try our delicious Cheese Cake, Chocolate, Carrot and  Banana Cake, Vanilla and Chocolate Flan and much more served with a rico Cafe.   Located next to the Tortilleria in El Sargento.  Open Tuesday-Sunday.
PARADISE FOUND Villa & Yacht Chef Services~Gourmet Catering (612) 13 92543   [][/email]
LVBP Construction Is very pleased to offer our construction services from our new office located in Plaza del Teso.  We are a full service construction company that offers quality construction of any size.
Our friendly local employees have the resources and knowledge to bring unique products and designs to your project. We offer free pre construction & design consultations by appointment to make sure you are on the right track building in the unique Baja environment.  Open Mon. to Fri. 7am to 4:30 pm, Saturdays mornings between job inspections. Please come in and meet Corey Nixon, Rudy Islas, Adriana Zavala and Dave Nixon.  We look forward to meeting with you.
E F Block of Mexico.  Build your next project with EF Block,  a product made of recycled polystyrene and concrete  that creates an energy  efficient  wall, structurally stronger than conventional  CMU and acoustically superior too; free delivery to El S/La V. . Contact us: English [][/email] cell 612.169.9348 y Español [][/email] cell 612.120.2948
Antonio is an honest, hard-working, reliable and competent, good  with property cleanups, any digging work, painting, anything to do with concrete and cement. He has some tools, speaks a little English. Available for small, medium and large jobs any afternoon plus week ends. He has his own car, needs 50 pesos per hour minimum and maybe a snack in the afternoon. He smiles all the time and you won't find a better worker in this area.  If you need him contact [][/email]
Pepe the English speaking moto mechanic is back in LV 1-2 days a week  with all his tools and his truck ready to service your moto right at your door.  He does great work on all my quads, jet skis, and dirt  bikes. phone 612-153-7374. Pepe charges 300 mexican chickens an hour.
Hola soy lamberto estoy necesitando trabajo si alguien quiere pintar su casa pisos con acido impermiabilizante lo q sea de pintura les doy un precio especial mi telefono 61219261 casa 11498 se los voy agradecer mucho.  [][/email]
Santana - 044-612-149-7081 - is very knowledgeable about plants/trees.  Has good soil & trees/plants to sell.  Also is a handyman.  Speaks English.
Need a house sitter that can clean and give maintenance to your home??  Decorative Painting  available. Refinish  your old furniture  for a fresh look to your home. Contact Erma at 612-119-3099 speaks English .
Sara Lucero, 23, an experienced babysitter with recommendations will babysit, by the hour, at your home afternoons or evenings and speaks a little English. Contact Sara at cell 044 612 169-5991.
Welcome ,Professional therapeutic massage!  Sport, Swedish, Deep Tissue and Relaxing, with local masseurs Teresa Habana and Marcela Castro, we have 9 years of experience.  Cerified by Centro Holistico  La Paz, BCS.  At Palapa’s Ventana Studio, also  at your Residence. Reservations at: (044) 612-153-9351,  At home : (612)-114-0268    [][/email]
OULA Dance Fitness, Funnest Workout Ever!  M- 9am, W- 9am, F- 10am @ Crazy Chela's. Bring water to hydrate & an attitude of goodness!
Spa Verde has a new promotion for the opening of the season. 6 facials of your choice for the price of 4. You pay $270 ($120 savings). As an additional bonus, every client will have a 15 minute Reiki session during your facial. That way you leave with not only improved skin, but feeling very deeply relaxed and balanced.. for appointments:
Hola todos: Just remember KIDS YOGA and KIDS MOVEMENT PLAY every Monday, Thursday, Saturday @ 4pm @ Casa Verde! Ninos de la ventana y el sargento estan invitados a yoga todos los lunes/juebes/sabado a la 4pm en casa verde. Gracias!
This Sunday Lovely Restorative Yoga with Federica @ 9am @ Casa Verde, mama with kids are welcome because we have a play time for your kids!!
Therapeutic Massage and Craniosacral therapy only @ healing room with Federica. Bookings [][/email]
**Meditation every Wed/Friday at 7pm.--roof top palapa at night!
**Yoga - Mon-Sat. 8am.
**Fri. 9:30 for Body-soul movement much FUN!
**Mon,Wed..Fri @ 8am/9am Energetic Yoga with Molly // Tues,Thurs @ 8am/9am WaterSport WarmUp with Molly 
**Tues &Thurs @ 8am/9:30am Vinhasa Flow Yoga with Federica // Wed.@ 9:30/10:30 Body-Soul Movement Class with Federica
**Sat.8am/9am Self care with Molly // Sun. @ 8am/9am Restorative Yoga & Massage with Federica
**Wed,Fri. @ 7pm FREE Meditation, all invitated
Playa Central Beach Club Activities
--Mon.9am - Beach Fitness (adult class) with Sydney! 
--Tue. 9am to 10:30am - Vinyasa Flow Yoga with Marcela // Ballet Dance Daycare with Sydney
Yoga with Marcela Ley Tues.Wed.hurs. 9-10:30am and Dance Daycare with Sydney
Wednesday 8am - Mejorquenada Morning Stretch with Sydney
BAJA JOE'S MASSAGE PALAPA is open for the Season.  Bobbie is back for her 11th season and is ready to get to work.   Come in and sign up for one of the BEST MASSAGE you'll ever get in La Ventana. Bobbie specializes in Deep and Soft tissue techniques, Relaxation, Therapeutic, Hot Stones and Swedish massage.  The Massage Palapa is the first building to your left as you enter the property.  Schedule is hanging on the Palapa under the light.  Sign in on an empty space and that massage is yours!
We wait for you in Ventana Windsport.  Our special place la pagoda with relaxing massages. Contact us Vero Leon 6121072455 and Cynthia 612-119-3099
ACCOMMODATION (Three lines Maximum please.)    (RV SITES now have their own category - after Accommodation.)
Loft to Rent. Beautiful 3 rooms,3 bathrooms, full kitchen, tv with cable in the living room, beachfront, cleaning included, use of grill, kayaks and paddleboard. 8 persons max. 2,500.00 dls the week. Info. [][/email]
The Best Deal in Baja keeps getting better, we are taking reservations at The DownwinderInn,, 503-297-9020 or local 044-612-156-6244.  Great value from room rates, pillow top beds, upgraded free wifi, guest vehicles, downwinder shuttle rides, and the best star gazing in the area.  Stop by and visit. 
House for rent, 300 mts from the sea in La Ventana. 2 bdrm, 1  bthrm, 2 king beds & one single, hot water, phone, internet, full kitchen, all you need is your clothes. 150 american bananas per night, 500 per week, 800 per 2 weeks, and 1100 per month. call for details 612-127-8387. David
Beach front house, next to the trailer park, and Playa Central. Beautiful big yellow house with Palapa Roof, 3 rooms, pool, furnished. Lovely Mexican style, Rent weekly/monthly. More information with Stefania [][/email]
Brand new 1,000 sq.ft. Home available December to Jan. 12 to responsible, mature person or couple,  references needed, walking distance to beach, kiting, restaurants, coffee shop, and campground,  in El Tesso between LV & El Sargento,  one bedroom, queen bed, two bath, outdoor shower, two patios plus roof top with views, all new appliances, security alarm system, bikes, located in small, quiet cluster of neighbours, email [][/email]
Beach Front House For Rent. Tied for first as the best location in the bay. Nine miles of sandy beach, Reef front and walking distance to town. House sleeps up to six. Best kiting in the bay just outside the front door. Kid friendly. Available for the holidays. [][/email]
Incredible location, affordable beachfront home just north of Kurt and Marina's. 2 bedrooms w/separate entrances for each & their own bathroom. Can be rented as 1 bedroom w/kitchen & bathroom or 1 bedroom and bathroom only. Chris at [][/email] 
House For Rent . available to November 30.  LV Centro ! 1 bdrm, full kitchen, living room dining area. Awsome palapa with great views. Across from the campground and beach. Walking distance to tiendas and restaurants. Fully furnished. Full size bed & futon bed sleeps four . 500 clams / week  plus cleaning. It is a sweet spot and priced competitively. for photos. 503 703 8475 U.S. Phone
La Ventana Bay Properties:  Still has a few nice long term rentals available.  We have a very special beachfront one bedroom home that we would like to have long term rental in, minimum of 3 months please.  Of course we have short term rentals too!   114-0445 or [][/email]  or browse
1 bedroom palapa w/bathroom & storage -electricity-sitting on triple wide lot with plenty of room for RV's etc- great view-one lot  back from beach upper El Sargento .Monthly rent 550 pargos/month.  [][/email]
KurtnMarina's Hotel and RV sites - Is now taking reservations and  we're looking forward to serving you. To make your reservations please visit us at or contact me at
Accommodation available anytime between Nov 3 to Dec 20. Would like to share a house rental in the South Beach area of La Ventana.  I'm mid 30s, non smoker (all types). If it sounds like it might be a fit, please let me know.  [][/email]
House For Rent  in El Teso! between LV/ES. 2 bds, 1 bth, kit, dining rm, big liv.rm. a big yard, terrace to view the island and La ventana Bay,  just 70 yards from the virgin  beach, good for kiters and windsurfers, pictures.  The house is all  furnished. It is available now through December 28th.
House for rent in LaPaz.  Awesome house furnished, great mountains view, on the road going to Los Planes, 2 bdrm, studio, living room, modern well equipped big kitchen, 1 bathroom, nice front & back patios, in a very quiet area in La Paz. Raul at 612 3489798 or  [][/email]
Kite Crash Pads, with beach privileges and on the water storage at Palapas Ventana, 2 bedroom house - 850 doll hairs per month less for whole winter
furnished trailer - 550 doll hairs per month less for whole winter, 1 bedroom apartment - 750 doll hairs, [][/email] per month less for whole winter
House front beach La Ventana, excellent for kiting 20 mts from the beach. 2 levels,2 bed, 2 bath, living, dinning, kitchen, private access, south campground, preference long term if possible. Interest contact by email [][/email], phone (612)176-38-50. 
Private RV/trailer site in north El Sargento on Private lot about 4 blocks north of Oscaritos. The site has good water and septic with electricity and internet available. The property is on the main road, is fenced, has direct beach access, and very quite at night. The rental price is 3,200 Mexican coco's per month plus your electricity. If interested call 114-0385 or e-mail [][/email]
Beautiful private lot with RV hook-up for rent in El Sargento, 1 block North of Oscarito´s walking beach access about 80 yards from the water, good area for launching/snorkeling, new septic tank,   city water tap,  fenced, cleared,  ready for you to roll on in,  no electricity,  friendly neighborhood, Only $1,500 USD for the entire season or $350 USD per month, contact Santiago Olachea, [][/email] , Cell 612.120.2948
Beachfront > Camper for Rent on a Huge Campsite Now until December 29th. Just North of the campground in La Ventana. Consider having the Best Launch & the Absolute Best Views, Front and Center of Your Place; Contact Mark @ 231-668-4231 or email me at the email link on Craigslist.
Property with RV hook-up for rent in downtown La Ventana, It's the 3rd property south of Playa Central, new septic tank, walled , shade tree & ready for you to roll on in, No water or electric but then you won't have any pesky utility bills either, a few meters away from the public water tank & friendly neighbors who do have water/electric, Only 1500 doll hairs for the entire season,,,, contact David at [][/email]
Large RV with direct beachfront access for rent - Great location!  Just south of Baja Joe's, private, tons of room.  Contact Chris for photos at
REAL ESTATE (3-4 lines maximum please)
Sand and Sea Homes is happy to announce our new office right on the main road just south of the Pemex and new Oxxo.  We are ready to help you find that perfect home, lot or rental here in La Ventana and El Sargento.  Come on in and say hello and see what new listings are now on offer.  Or call anytime, Giles   612-139-0208.  AMPI member.
LVX - Bahia de La Ventana Real Estate Services – Choice listings and sound closing procedures - - 612 139 3919 or 612 151 2994
La Ventana Bay Properties -- full service MLS Real Estate Broker  -- we are open Monday 9-5 and Saturday 9-1 in the new Plaza del Teso.  Homes and lots are selling.  Many new and interesting listings for the season.  Come for a tour!  [][/email].  Office 114-0445, Cel. 612-149-5000.  From USA/CDN phones call 1-800-281-5882.
Compound with two house, office/casita, gym, swimming pool, garage, full property wall, built in generator, city water with 12,000 liters of storage. Total of 5 bedrooms, 6 baths, 3 kitchens. 425,000 cocos. Mex cell - 612-169-9348
Lot  available! (30 x 50 mts.) corner w/electricity, telephone, water. just past El S, where the electricity polls go west, beach access close by, great views, close to the main road, no dust or noise from the road, here are only a few neighbors. mobil 612 3489798 home phone 612 124 8478 or [][/email] 
Club Cerralvo Hotel & Residences. We have  6 new sales.Prices start at $70,000.  Amenities: swimming pool w/poolside bar, Jacuzzi, fitness center, spa, hotel style reception, restaurant w/delivery service. Penthouses have been designed with private roof top terraces overlooking the Sea of Cortez. For further information on this great real estate opportunity in La Ventana contact your local realtor or visit the following link to our website
La Ventana Realty is an MLS and AMPI affiliated full service real estate company located on the main road just 1 lot north of the the PEMEX gas station. Willie and Gilbert Ornelas, who are bi-lingual, are happy to give you a tour of some of the amazing real estate deals available here as well as other parts of Baja Sur. We will help you meet your goal of a vacation, residential, retirement or investment property. Stop by for free wi-fi and a chat. 612-114-0240 - 612-161-4848 cell, [][/email]
THE Vistas, the Beachfront LaV condominium development, incredible views, North of the campground, 60 meters of beachfront & 100 meters deep, looking for investors/developer to build  studio condos to penthouses starting at 190k sea shells all with incredible beachfront views.   Designed eco with R20 insulated walls soundproofing.  2 landscaped pools/hot tubs, 1 pool  right on the beach/1 wind sheltered, full time security,  property management all in one//views in all units are priceless, 2 lots north of the campground.  [][/email]  Help us break ground end of 2014.  


Last edited by dean on Tue Dec 02, 2014 9:35 am; edited 1 time in total


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heard this yesterday Empty Spa Verde

Post by dean Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:41 pm

Spa Verde will be opening its doors again this October! I am coming back with all new skin care products! For October and November, locals will receive a 25% discount on facials, body wraps, and Reiki treatments. In an effort to clear out my inventory to make room for the new products, every facial client will leave with a complimentary gift from an all natural, highly rated skin care line. None of these products are expired, nor have they lost any quality, they are simply taking up space. In addition, we offer manicures, pedicures, massages, waxing treatments, hair coloring and hair cuts. Stop by the Casa Verde compound this October to make an appointment, call 114-0214, or email I look forward to the new season and seeing new and old clients alike.

I also wanted to make an additional note about my Reiki treatments. It is a proven treatment for mental, emotional and physical ailments. It brings a general feeling of well-being. Because I have received my Reiki master certification, I can teach Reiki I and II to anyone who is interested. I am a member of the International Center for Reiki Training. Contact me by email and I can bring down the necessary literature.


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heard this yesterday Empty Teresa´s Massage Therapy

Post by dean Sun Sep 09, 2012 5:17 pm

Teresa´s Massage Therapy ~~ For a Better Health:

Treat yourself to a relaxing massage – you are worth it!
Certified Sport Massage, Swedish, Rebalancing and Relaxation.

Available locally by Tere and Juanita. ~~ call 612 153 9351, (114-0268) hm

At Palapas Ventana usd.45.00 pss.585 – 1 hour. At your House usd.50.00 pss.650 – 1 hour.


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heard this yesterday Empty Re: heard this yesterday

Post by dean Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:56 pm

visible sat

heard this yesterday WCVS

infrared Sat link

heard this yesterday Sat_ir_enh_west_loop-12

heard this yesterday Rad-guas

heard this yesterday Hpir

Last edited by dean on Sat Dec 15, 2012 8:59 pm; edited 5 times in total


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heard this yesterday Empty Restaurante RINCÓN

Post by dean Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:50 am

Restaurante RINCÓN
We are open only on the weekend, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 13.00 at 21.00 hrs. If you have events or want special food, call me.
Grilled fish, hamburger on charcoal, Meat, etc. or you can to bring your fish of the day. Joaquin Leòn ~ ~ 612-140-1082


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heard this yesterday Empty Updates on our New Port of Entry: Otay II

Post by dean Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:24 am
Updates on our New Port of Entry: Otay II
December 14, 2010 By A.Mieryteran Leave a Comment

A new port of entry is being developed in Otay Mesa just a couple of miles east of the existing Otay Mesa Port of Entry. This project also includes a new highway connection -State Route 11-which will connect to State Route-905. The new port will be managed by a toll system and will include expedited services in both the commercial and passenger lanes. This innovative project supported by the entire region should be operational by 2015.


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heard this yesterday Empty Plans Under Way for Innovative Bus Rapid Transit System in O

Post by dean Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:22 am

Plans Under Way for Innovative Bus Rapid Transit System in Otay Mesa

Plans Under Way for Innovative Bus Rapid Transit System in Otay Mesa

A modern regional transit system that will provide an alternative to personal cars will soon come online in the eastern part of the South Bay, providing residents with rapid and reliable access to work and activity centers in a region of San Diego County currently underserved by public transportation.

The South Bay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system will provide high-frequency transit service that links the Otay Mesa border crossing to downtown San Diego via eastern Chula Vista. It will serve major activity and employment centers in San Diego and the South Bay and provide direct access to destinations such as the Otay Ranch Town Center.


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heard this yesterday Empty baja Sur safety

Post by dean Sat Aug 20, 2011 9:39 am

heard this yesterday LetterFromTheGovernor


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heard this yesterday Empty earn real big money kiting someday

Post by dean Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:11 pm

someday make big bucks kiting....
Cargill ship will be largest ever to utilize kite power

heard this yesterday Cargillskysail
Cargill plans to install the SkySails system this December, and hopes to have it fully operational within the first quarter of 2012.


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heard this yesterday Empty from Joaquin Aviles

Post by dean Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:00 pm


El grupo desarrollador inmobiliario repersentado por el Arq. Jorge Calderón Trueba, denominado "Tierra Café", han formalizado una alianza con el ejido "El Sargento y su Anexo La Ventana" mediante un fideicomiso el cual se firmará el próximo 2o de julio del año en curso, fungiendo como testigo El Procurador Agrario Rocendo González Patiño.
El presidente del Comiariado Ejidal Joaquín E. León Avilés, fué invitado a participar en una conferencia de prensa en la cd. de México en donde se detallaron los avances del programa FIPP dentro del cual se enmarca esta prometedora alianza entre ejidatarios e inversionistas.
también acudieron dos jóvenes profesionistas del ejido a ser testigos de los nuevos tiempos donde se pretende que al fin tengamos un desarrollo sustentable. Adelaida cota y Adrían Avilés estuvieron presentes en mencionado acto.
Necesitamos crear confianza en nuestra comunidad, ya que a la fecha, ningún beneficio hemos obtenido, a pesar de que un gran número de Hectáreas ya se han negociado.
La verdad, que únicamente hemos sido objeto de burla de quienes pretenden "desarrollar" estta zona y se han convertido en Especuladores.
Hoy queremos tener la confianza en quienes nos representan y que buscan beneficios a nivel comunidad.
Joaquin Aviles


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heard this yesterday Empty netflix coming to mexico

Post by dean Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:49 pm

This is a cut and paste from the Netflix blog.

Netflix Is Coming to Latin America

Hi, Jessie Becker, VP of Marketing here. We're excited to share with you the news that later this year, Netflix will expand to 43 countries throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, offering unlimited TV shows and movies streaming instantly over the Internet to TVs and computers for one low monthly subscription price.

Netflix members in the U.S. and Canada have really taken to watching instantly and we feel great about being able to offer the same combination of convenience, choice and value to people in Mexico, Central America, South America and the Caribbean.

Members in the region will be able to access in Spanish, Portuguese or English, depending on their preference, and will be able to enjoy entertainment on their TVs via a range of consumer electronics devices capable of streaming from Netflix, as well as on PCs, Macs and mobile devices.

We'll keep you posted on the dates when we plan to expand in the region and hope you'll spread the word that Netflix will soon be accessible throughout the Americas! Meantime, if you'd like to sign up for the Latin America service, go to and leave your info; we'll send an email reminder when the service launches.


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heard this yesterday Empty LaPaz one of safest in the world

Post by dean Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:07 pm

article about the safety of LaPaz one of the safest in the world they claim by the stats.


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heard this yesterday Empty electric rates...

Post by dean Tue Jun 28, 2011 8:24 pm

I have finally deciphered the way CFE does the electric bills. I saw a friends bill in LaPaz and realized something was just not the same as ours. Here is how it is done.

Now, this negatively affects us in LaVentana in the two transition bills from summer to winter (high) rates.. It is a bit complicated in the accounting principle, but let me explain in essence we lose our summer 400kwh threshold in the two transition times (spring fall) because they do not read our meters every month. In LaPaz they read the meters every month and still get a 2 month billing cycle so it does not affect them. Ok, it gets more complicated , though the threshold are these amounts it shifts the pricing once you pass it to another scale. Sp we lose because say in april when it is a high rate above the 200kwh threshold after passing it it then goes to the max rate of 25cents/kwh for everything past 175 KWh so if you used 600 kwh in May when it is 400 threshold but it does not jump to the max rate of 25cents but averaged this out the way they do, they take total used say 200 plus 600 equals 800 total divided by 60 days is 13kwh a day. Then they on our bills take the 13 kwh and times it by the days in that period 30 for april and may. And so in april though you only used 200kwh they charge you for 400kwh of which 225 of it is charged at the highest rate even though you used it in May when it was hotter. So you could end up with a bill that is about $40.00 dolars or $440.00pesos more than what should be charged. This occurs two times a year.

So this one is hard enough to understand in English how about trying to explain this in another language to get the locals to know they need to get the elected official to talk to CFE? Any ideas? All we need is CFE to do is shift our billing period over one month so the high rates billing periods are in sync. Or a reading every month or just those two months. Or let us report our reading (hahahah) they also may be shifting a few more days int this also, the last bull had 33 days averaged for the higher rate and 26 were in the lower period. This is another area they may be adding a few more dollars at the high rate season that would disappear with being in the correct billing reading. dean

Last edited by dean on Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:09 pm; edited 1 time in total


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heard this yesterday Empty new immigrations laws

Post by dean Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:45 pm

Permanent residents. these are foreigners who are allowed to stay in the country indefinitely, with permission to work in exchange for remuneration in Mexico.

The condition of permanent resident may be granted to the expatriates that are in any of the following circumstances:

For reasons of political asylum, the recognition of refugee status and subsidiary protection or for the determination of statelessness, subject to compliance with the requirements of the Law
For the right to preserve the family union
Retirees or pensioners that receive an income for services rendered abroad from a foreign government or international agency or private company, that allows them to live in the country
As per decision of the Immigration Institute, regarding the Points System
Because they have had temporary residence for 4 years
By having Mexican children by birth
By being ascendant or descendant in a straight line (up to the second generation) of a Mexican by birth

Foreigners who are granted Permanent Resident status will be able to obtain a permit to work in exchange for remuneration in Mexico and the right to enter and leave the country as many times as desired. They will also be able to bring their personal property into Mexico in the manner and terms that apply under the applicable Law.


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heard this yesterday Empty decoding CFE bill

Post by dean Fri Jun 24, 2011 12:41 pm

Decoding the bill 101 for Tarifa 1D hilos 2 winter vs summer may-october is summer rates.

OK I think I figured out the discrepancy, I think they read the meters in LaPaz once a month and here once every 2 months. So they just do a straight line averages for LaVentana divide by the total days. Where in LaPaz they use actual monthly reading which is far better.

So the long and short for 1D if you use less than 200 KWhs in the winter per month you are at a lowest scale. And in the summer if you use less than 400 KWhs in a month you are also at the lowest scale. See the scales below for 2.1.1 to know your rates.

If you go over that you hit the basic and intermediate in the summer you go to 2.2.2 if you have 600 KWhs per month before you hop to the top tier.
If you go over 200 in the winter you go to 2.2.2 and everything over 175 KWhs is the maximum rate.
Here is the winter rate chart….
2.2.1 Cargos por energía consumida, para consumos hasta 200 (doscientos) kilowatts-hora

Consumo básico $ 0.717 por cada uno de los primeros 75 (setenta y cinco) kilowatts-hora.
Consumo intermedio $ 0.864 por cada kilowatt-hora adicional a los anteriores.

2.2.2 Cargos por energía consumida, para consumos mayores a 200 (doscientos) kilowatts-hora

Consumo básico $ 0.717 por cada uno de los primeros 75 (setenta y cinco) kilowatts-hora.
Consumo intermedio $ 1.197 por cada uno de los siguientes 100 (cien) kilowatts-hora.
Consumo excedente $ 2.529 por cada kilowatt-hora adicional a los anteriores.

Here is the summer rate chart….
2.1.1 Cargos por energía consumida, para consumos hasta 400 (cuatrocientos) kilowatts-hora

Consumo básico $ 0.639 por cada uno de los primeros 175 (ciento setenta y cinco) kilowatts-hora.
Consumo intermedio $ 0.740 por cada kilowatt-hora adicional a los anteriores.

2.1.2 Cargos por energía consumida, para consumos mayores a 400 (cuatrocientos) kilowatts-hora

Consumo básico $ 0.639 por cada uno de los primeros 175 (ciento setenta y cinco) kilowatts-hora.
Consumo intermedio $ 0.959 por cada uno de los siguientes 425 (cuatrocientos veinticinco) kilowatts-hora.
Consumo excedente $ 2.537 por cada kilowatt-hora adicional a los anteriores.


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heard this yesterday Empty tuna big ones

Post by dean Tue Jun 07, 2011 10:36 am

from a person, caught about 175 tuna...

also heard they are hitting at 88...


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heard this yesterday Empty Re: heard this yesterday

Post by dean Tue Jun 07, 2011 10:34 am

here is the link to join Eugene's bajalovers broadcast email for emergencies. This was used since 2003 until Roberta started her ventana view. I suggest we use Vv fas we do and emergencies we go to this one. this one is sent instantanious, so if Roberta is in LaPaz or enjoying the evening it still goes out. but if people begin using it for other than critical it may lose its ability to be an emergency broadcast system.

this can be used for emergencies in our area. ie for emergenciies like someone hurt real bad and blood is urgently needed. report suspiciaous activity vehicles so people can be on the look out,. weather warnings for those who do not get noaa updates or pay attention to them for hurricanes.


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heard this yesterday Empty Re: heard this yesterday

Post by dean Sun May 29, 2011 10:12 pm

NOAA Predicts Below Normal 2011 Eastern Pacific Hurricane Season - Although the 2011 Hurricane season officially started on May 15, things are still pretty quiet on the Eastern Front. The 2011 NOAA Outlook, issued 19 May 2011, calls for a 5 percent probability of an above normal season, a 25 percent probability of a near normal season and a 70 percent probability of a below normal season:
Climate patterns similar to those expected this year have historically produced a wide range of activity. Allowing for uncertainties, NOAA estimates a 70% chance of occurrence for each of the following ranges of activity this season:
• 9-15 Named Storms
• 5-8 Hurricanes
• 1-3 Major Hurricanes
The seasonal activity is expected to fall within these ranges in 7 out of 10 seasons with similar climate conditions and uncertainties to those expected this year. They do not represent the total possible ranges of activity seen in past similar years. The 1981-2010 averages for the eastern Pacific hurricane season are 15-16 named storms, 8-9 hurricanes, and 4 major hurricanes.
Read the complete NOAA outlook here: Also, read the Baja Insider's take on the current forecast:


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heard this yesterday Empty Re: heard this yesterday

Post by dean Tue May 03, 2011 8:52 am

The new Ready Lane opened Monday at the Otay Mesa border crossing to speed up travel for people traveling into the U.S. from Mexico.

Only travelers whose travel documents are embedded with Radio Frequency Identification will be able to use the Ready Lane. The lane will be open from 4 a.m. - 8 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. Saturday


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heard this yesterday Empty Updates on our New Port of Entry: Otay II

Post by dean Tue May 03, 2011 8:51 am

Updates on our New Port of Entry: Otay II
December 14, 2010 By A.Mieryteran Leave a Comment

A new port of entry is being developed in Otay Mesa just a couple of miles east of the existing Otay Mesa Port of Entry. This project also includes a new highway connection -State Route 11-which will connect to State Route-905. The new port will be managed by a toll system and will include expedited services in both the commercial and passenger lanes. This innovative project supported by the entire region should be operational by 2015.


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heard this yesterday Empty mexico drug death locations and trfficing maps

Post by dean Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:04 am
mexico drug death locations and trfficing maps


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heard this yesterday Empty new passport office in San Diego

Post by dean Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:09 am

now you can get a passport in SanDiego.


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heard this yesterday Empty US sends unarmed drones to Mexico

Post by dean Wed Mar 16, 2011 8:07 am

Good news…The US is now assisting Mexico with drones… in the battles against the cartels we now have the US using its drones. As we know last year they made us register cell phones with passports and the Mexicans have to register their phones also. I believe this to be a method of choking the communications of the drug cartels. After all, how does a organization co-ordinate their activities and information. Columbia who use to be one of the murder capitals by drug cartels was very effective at stopping the large drug violence with this strategy, Columbia’s murder rate is now much lower than Mexico’s. Below is a link to the article about the drones.

US unarmed drones track drug gangs in Mexico
Mexico's northern border areas have seen much of the violence that has left more than 34,000 dead since late 2006.

The New York Times reports that the Obama administration began sending high-altitude, unarmed drones over Mexican territory in February, aiming to collect information to turn over to Mexican law enforcement agencies.

The paper quotes both American and Mexican officials as saying that Mexico had asked the US to use its drones to track suspects' movements.

Unnamed US officials said drones had gathered intelligence that led to the arrest in Mexico of several suspects in connection with the murder of a US immigration agent, Jaime Zapata.


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heard this yesterday Empty Expansion begins at largest U.S.-Mexico border crossing

Post by dean Mon Mar 07, 2011 8:09 am

they will be expanding San Ysidro
By Marty Graham Marty Graham – Thu Feb 24, 8:24 pm ET

SAN YSIDRO, California (Reuters) – A $600 million expansion that would more than double capacity at the world's busiest border crossing broke ground south of San Diego on Thursday, aiming to boost security and cut lengthy delays at the California-Mexico border.
The first stage of the overhaul will boost the number of vehicle inspection booths to 46 from the current 24, including a dedicated bus lane and additional inspection facilities at a cost of $292 million.

Second and third phases aim to add pedestrian and southbound inspection facilities and 17 additional northbound inspection booths by early 2016, although more than $300 million needed to complete the project has yet to be authorized by the U.S. government.


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heard this yesterday Empty Punishment for gas stations that sell incomplete liters to t

Post by dean Wed Mar 02, 2011 7:48 am

Punishment for gas stations that sell incomplete liters to the public

Punishment for gas stations that sell incomplete liters to the public
by Baja Daily News on 03/01/11

La Paz, Baja California Sur .- Vehicle owners are supported and welcomed the intention of the Chamber of Deputies to punish gas stations that sell incomplete liters , since this practice is seen as a theft from society.

Federal deputies supported by the Justice Commission, in arresting violators with a punishment of up to 10 years in prison for owners and managers of service stations that sell liters incomplete The opinion of the inhabitants is joy in finding that it was time something was done about it.

According to the information contained in this sense it is mentioned that this practice makes gains a year by 20 billion pesos to the owners of these stations.

The monthly increases and this practice left at a distinct disadvantage to the people, who are ultimately to be no one to absorb the can defend.

Pumps "fixed" that dispense "liters" of 900 milliliters or less, is a practice that harms the economy of families and taking this as a basis, the Congress, which has the backing of the Senate, apply penalties of six months to two years imprisonment and a fine of 500 thousand days who illegally protect them from crude oil or refined oil, processed or derived in an amount less than 300 liters.
heard this yesterday Dacde861-e490-412a-80d9-45593f054a85


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heard this yesterday Empty Governor reopens airstrip in Pt. Arenas

Post by dean Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:20 pm

Governor reopens airstrip in La Paz
by Baja Daily News on 02/28/11

La Paz, Baja California Sur .- In opening ceremony of the aerodrome Las Arenas, which is operated jointly by the tourism developments Bay Peninsula Dreams and Dreams, in the San Juan municipal delegation of the Plans Township La Paz, the governor Narciso Agundez Montano said one of the main responsibilities of the authorities is to generate confidence that the private sector to generate employment sources that require citizens to achieve better living standards.
heard this yesterday 1b2de546-ca40-4b6e-af17-1893578a1046

Gov. Narciso Agundez led the restart of operations at the aerodrome Las Arenas, located in the delegation of Los Planes.

Governor holds first working meeting with the governor-elect Covarrubias Marcos
by Baja Daily News on 02/27/11

La Paz, Baja California Sur .- Gov. Narciso Agundez Montano said the handover process of the state government will be in collaboration, respect and cordiality, after holding a first working meeting with the governor-elect Covarrubias Marcos Villaseñor, to whom the head of the State reiterated its commitment to coordinate efforts so that the transition maintains the attention and services to Baja California Sur.

In the presence of the Secretaries General of Government, Finance, the state comptroller and attorney general, Gov. Narciso Agundez and governor-elect Mark Covarrubias discussed several issues that has to do mainly with the handover process and the organization of the swearing-in event that will have to develop the next 5 April.

Agundez Montano expressed its readiness to assist the new government through the delivery of state government that is characterized by transparency and objectivity, as stated, we are contributing to the new government to start as soon as work and responsibility for all the inhabitants of Baja California Sur.

reprinted with permission


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heard this yesterday Empty Cool video LV Classic and some Burning Bush

Post by dean Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:31 am


Cool video
LV Classic and some Burning Bush
Tim Hatler


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Join date : 2008-01-01

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heard this yesterday Empty otay mesa 905 to port of entry to be open 2012 part finished

Post by dean Sat Feb 12, 2011 5:40 pm

A major milestone was accomplished in late 2010. Phase 1A of State Route 905 was opened the first week of December. This phase entails a six lane freeway from Britannia to the Otay Mesa Port of Entry.

The Otay Mesa Chamber of Commerce has been working for more than twenty years on this project and is very pleased to annouce that the core 905 project -six lanes from the 805 to the Otay Mesa Port of Entry- will be open in summer 2012. State Route-905 is the first freeway connecting the Otay Mesa community, which represents California’s largest land port of entry, to the San Diego freeway network.


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heard this yesterday Empty a walkway bridge from US to TJ airport in the works...

Post by dean Sat Feb 12, 2011 5:36 pm
The San Diego-Tijuana Airport Cross-Border Facility will be an elevated pedestrian bridge that directly connects a new facility in Southern San Diego County to the Tijuana Airport (TIJ) terminal to provide fast, safe and secure egress across the border for Tijuana Airline-ticketed passengers

The estimated cost for the first phase of construction is $77.9 million, including land acquisition. Construction on the CBF is expected to begin in early 2011, with completion slated by the end of 2012. The project still has a significant number of steps and approvals to clear before a shovel hits the ground.


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heard this yesterday Empty new crossing in Otah mesa coming

Post by dean Sat Feb 12, 2011 5:33 pm
A new port of entry is being developed in Otay Mesa just a couple of miles east of the existing Otay Mesa Port of Entry. This project also includes a new highway connection -State Route 11-which will connect to State Route-905. The new port will be managed by a toll system and will include expedited services in both the commercial and passenger lanes. This innovative project supported by the entire region should be operational by 2015.


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heard this yesterday Empty mexico election results

Post by dean Mon Feb 07, 2011 8:04 am


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heard this yesterday Empty LV clasic

Post by dean Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:07 am

LV CLassic 2011 - and the winner is............The Schools!

Thanks everyone for the best La Ventana Classic Ever!! Get ready for next year.
We are going to pull out all the stops for our 7th annual "Locally World Famous" event

Thank you to all our sponsors, volunteers, racers, and supporters
together we removed 10.5 tons of trash from our town and raised $18,487 USD

- and as we continue to receive donations, the number keeps going up
Special Thanks to these special fundraiser heroes:
Marie Leclerc of Elevation Kiteboarding - Held a women's clinic at the island which raised $2000 USD for women's sports at our schools
Andrew and Adam Koch of Team Fluid - Held a Racing Clinic which raised $600 USD
Mark Bavis and Brendan Richards - Held a strapless clinic which raised $500 USD
Baja Joes - donated coffee proceeds and sky dive show
Kiwi Fields and Jason Maartense - SUP winners who donated their prize boards back to raise $1350 USD
Sean Farley - Mexican Kiter Pro who did a motivation talk at the Telesucundaria and awarded tandem kite rides to students and took them out in breaks between events!!
Sarah, Shane, and Pablos - raised $580 USD at the TOGA rager!!
Larry Wilhelms and Captain Kirks - Yoga Class donations helped the cause!
Jewelry Diane -Donated % of jewelry sales!!
RACES -Final results and wrapup - go to
Event photos from The Kiteboarder -
Tim Hatler


Posts : 5559
Join date : 2008-01-01

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