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Hurricanes 2017

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Hurricanes 2017 Empty Re: Hurricanes 2017

Post by dean Thu Sep 14, 2017 11:15 pm

Here was a drive down the baja after Lidia, right now we have Norma coming in a few days.


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Hurricanes 2017 Empty Re: Hurricanes 2017

Post by dean Sun Sep 10, 2017 7:55 am

from BPE

a. Wind readings: One reading reported. Vantage 2 pro wind meter. 60-66mph. Over night 79 gust. Above Patti’s Hotel Los Pescadores


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Hurricanes 2017 Empty Re: Hurricanes 2017

Post by dean Thu Sep 07, 2017 11:58 am

pics from down by Kurt and marinas and down the street from Star Market road.    
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in front of Kurt and Marinas, the debris is all the way to the end of the bay.   from past years we will be getting the debris every high tide for months to come from areas that do not get cleaned up north of civilization.    and boy does this stuff stink now till it dries out from a few low tide days.  

Hurricanes 2017 Sam_0621
Hurricanes 2017 Sam_0622


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Hurricanes 2017 Empty Re: Hurricanes 2017

Post by dean Wed Sep 06, 2017 9:29 am

the flying bugs are out in force where you leave a light on.

a few small tarantulas about the size of a half dollar on the sidewalks that I have never seen before. saw 3 in a mile walk one way. Never seen them before.

Still no bobos.


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Hurricanes 2017 Empty Re: Hurricanes 2017

Post by dean Tue Sep 05, 2017 1:49 am

facebook wrote:Transpeninsular Highway UPDATE

DATE: 4 Sep 2017 8:00PM PDT
AREA: Baja California Peninsula
ROAD: Transpeninsular Hwy - El Rosario to Cabo San Lucas
STATUS: Thanks to countless local municipal and state workers, farmers, ranchers, businesses and the simple Mexican will to rise up in the face of adversity, Mex1 running the length of the entire peninsula is now open to traffic in both directions, albeit with dozens of bypasses, work around's and perhaps driving through up to as much as a foot of water in one or two locations. Best still to wait for a few days for anything but emergency / essential travel; there is a lot of traffic trying to get through and you should expect for long delays at some of the bypasses.
BYPASSES: Too numerous to mention all
NOTES: If you insist on driving south of El Rosario right now, best to go prepared for extended driving times, especially south of Guerrero Negro where you will encounter long delays at the bypasses and perhaps expect some difficulty to obtain diesel fuel at some locations until the tankers have a chance to get their supply routes up and running again.


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Hurricanes 2017 Empty Re: Hurricanes 2017

Post by dean Mon Sep 04, 2017 7:25 pm

They just cleared the entire sidewalk today.    Nicer shape than it has been in for 10 years.

Sea does not stink bad anymore. as noted the day before smells like rotting fish.


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Hurricanes 2017 Empty Re: Hurricanes 2017

Post by dean Mon Sep 04, 2017 7:56 am

next everyone have your properties inspected for containers with water and have them emptied, we do not want a bad mosquito season.     Do not be a part of the problem.     The present likelihood of a dengue outbreak is low because LaPaz did not get a lot of rain so tough for it to become an epidemic but because cabo did get massive rain and flooding it can become an epidemic there and spread out this way.    

Make sure you bring down mineral oil it is sold on amazon even in bulk gallons.     Just a little in an outdoor toilet or other fixed location that would gather water.   Even for a pool.  Just a tablespoon in a pool stops the larvae from breeding.    and mineral oil does not harm humans, they use it in facial lotions.  

And anyone who wants to make their own mosquito traps all you need is containers, I find the 5 gallon water jugs with the screw on tops work best.     We can set a date to put them together as I need assistance in making them.    And any donations for the materials can be made on my website   under donations I take paypal visa and so on.    I have all the materials except bottles for us to make these.    

Here is a flyer I made after the dengue breakout about 15 yearsa ago.    It is in spanish and english.

Hurricanes 2017 Flier.262200111_std


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Hurricanes 2017 Empty Re: Hurricanes 2017

Post by dean Sun Sep 03, 2017 9:46 pm

telmex has the internet up and running again.  

Hurricanes 2017 Sam_0527
Hurricanes 2017 Sam_0532

Hurricanes 2017 Sam_0530
Hurricanes 2017 Sam_0531
Hurricanes 2017 Sam_0610
Hurricanes 2017 Sam_0611
Hurricanes 2017 Sam_0612


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Hurricanes 2017 Empty Re: Hurricanes 2017

Post by dean Sun Sep 03, 2017 7:04 pm

the backside was nothing, just more rain.

so a big mess.

can not imagine anyone had any major damage other than home with a lot of water.

The sea smells like rotting fish today.

Yesterday the water looked dirty for about 1/2 mile out.

My diesel generator kicked butt...

LaPaz really did not have much water in the roads.


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Hurricanes 2017 Empty Re: Hurricanes 2017

Post by dean Sun Sep 03, 2017 6:56 pm

no internet in LV or phones including cell, so in LaPaz this evening, though on my drive saw a telmex car heading the other direction, so have fingers crossed.    

electric went on last night at 7pm....    happy days with air conditioning are here again...

Here is why no electric the arroyo washed out the footings on this pole.    ooops carls jrs internet will not let me post pictures.    I have others of other arroyos in LV too.    My arroyo never flowed but others like joes did.    No major damage.    

Hurricanes 2017 Sam_0611

One of my ac units seems to have an issue from the storm, 50VAC at the split unit indoors but the feed is 120VAC.     I hate going on high roofs when they are wet and playing with electricity....    A window AC unit would not start too.     But after an extra night it started and was only 2 years old, super efficient glad it did not die.    

The road over the mountain has  a few major issues.   One lane fell off the mountain in one area heading our way.   The arroyo near lapaz that bridge is gone.   all is easily passible.    Pot holes did not get worse, they must have filled in some right before that.  

My estimate of rain from my buckets was 8-12 inches beachfront.    It rally was a soaker more so.  The termites were out in force last night.

Last edited by dean on Sun Sep 03, 2017 9:47 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Hurricanes 2017 Empty Re: Hurricanes 2017

Post by dean Fri Sep 01, 2017 6:45 am

turns out eletric was only on 15 minutes before it failed again. So no power this morning, working off the generator.

the wind rain stopped 1 hour ago. So we are in the eye of the storm. I was not aware that tropical storms had eyes.

So next we will get the wind from the opposite direction.

The arroyo is not flowing, my buckets show we have had about 4 inches of rain.

I will snap a few pictures shortly.


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Hurricanes 2017 Empty Re: Hurricanes 2017

Post by dean Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:05 pm

electric is on again, it flashed on and off for a bit.


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Hurricanes 2017 Empty Re: Hurricanes 2017

Post by dean Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:13 pm

this was 8am when I thought the worst was over from the previous night's forecast. Little did I know it was going to crawl.


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Hurricanes 2017 Empty Re: Hurricanes 2017

Post by dean Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:54 pm

I will have a video up shortly. Seems when few people have power the internet upload speed is much higher.


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Hurricanes 2017 Empty Re: Hurricanes 2017

Post by dean Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:32 pm for the weather maps,

this should modify our beach areas considering how big the waves are and how long we are getting them. So far it has all been on-shore.

Big Arroyo by me not flowing yet which I find strange.

morning water I found in containers was only about 2 inches.


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Hurricanes 2017 Empty Re: Hurricanes 2017

Post by dean Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:24 pm

photo at 6:15 pm but does not give you the wind... it is cranking here... sustained for a few minutes at about 70mph. then drops to 50 for 5 minutes.

note the CFE truck watching the waves...

Hurricanes 2017 Sam_0526


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Hurricanes 2017 Empty Re: Hurricanes 2017

Post by dean Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:17 pm

the next photos are in the morning till about noon.

right now it is a major league above this.

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Hurricanes 2017 Sam_0524
Hurricanes 2017 Sam_0522
Hurricanes 2017 Sam_0523
Hurricanes 2017 Sam_0525


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Hurricanes 2017 Empty Re: Hurricanes 2017

Post by dean Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:01 pm

to see theweather sat pics and forecasts go here..

BTW we are right now getting a sustained at about 70 mph.


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Hurricanes 2017 Empty Re: Hurricanes 2017

Post by dean Thu Aug 31, 2017 4:45 pm

5:45 pm.    we are being hammered, I have my generator up and running now since CFE can not do anything with the winds we are not getting...   sustained with rain about 45mph.     Gusts hitting 60-70 with a lot of rain, this thing obviously stalled and gained some force.  

 from the looks of it till 3 am we are getting hammared.    and then the backside begins....  

The generator had a fuel line leak, took some time to fix that, luckily I had diesel rated line available.    As well as some right turn elbows that were reducers.    

Set up my hurricane room too.


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Hurricanes 2017 Empty Re: Hurricanes 2017

Post by dean Thu Aug 31, 2017 1:40 pm

we have electric again and we are in the peak of the wwind rain 2:30pm.    

a kiter wa out till about 2pm.  

several cfe trucks arrived noon.  and abour 4-5 more about 2pm.    amazing they are here,

I will post pictures if the power stays on shortly..

winf is about 40 knots to gusts mayby 55.

I will upload a video probably tonight of earlier in the day.


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Hurricanes 2017 Empty Re: Hurricanes 2017

Post by dean Thu Aug 31, 2017 4:09 am

rain just intensified... raining hard. about to lose battery back up , so till I have a clearing will be off till i start the generators.


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Hurricanes 2017 Empty Re: Hurricanes 2017

Post by dean Thu Aug 31, 2017 4:01 am

5am lost power. winds picked up to 30-40mph sustained for a bit. not too gusty yet.


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Hurricanes 2017 Empty lidia

Post by dean Thu Aug 31, 2017 3:47 am

well the storm lidia is hitting, we have gusting winds and rain. power is still on but has cut out a few tims. 4:30 am is this report.

wind speeds about 20mph and guests about 30 right now we are forcasted to have the worst around noon.  it is landfall in cabo already.  

Hurricanes 2017 Storm10

Last edited by dean on Thu Aug 31, 2017 4:02 am; edited 1 time in total


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Hurricanes 2017 Empty Re: Hurricanes 2017

Post by dean Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:41 am

Hurricane Dora...

here is email alert...

U.S. Embassy Mexico City
Security Message for U.S. Citizens:
Hurricane Dora
June 26, 2017

The U.S. Embassy cautions U.S. citizens that Hurricane Dora is expected to produce life-threatening surf and rip current conditions. Swells generated by Dora are currently affecting portions of the coast of southwest Mexico and by Tuesday, June 27, parts of the coast of the southern Baja California peninsula will be affected. Dora is projected to remain offshore and produce rain accumulations of 1 to 2 inches along coastal sections of the Mexican states of Guerrero and Michoacán through June 26.


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Hurricanes 2017 Empty Re: Hurricanes 2017

Post by dean Mon Jun 05, 2017 6:48 pm

us embassy notice wrote:The Eastern Pacific: Hurricane season in the Eastern Pacific began on May 15, 2017. NOAA expects a near- or above-normal season, with a 40 percent chance of an above-normal season, a 40 percent chance of a near-normal season, and a 20 percent chance of a below-normal season. NOAA predicts a 70 percent chance of 14 to 20 named storms, of which six to eleven are expected to become hurricane strength. Of those, three to seven are expected to become major hurricanes (Category 3, 4, or 5 on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale).


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Hurricanes 2017 Empty Hurricanes 2017

Post by dean Thu May 11, 2017 7:52 am

the first one is down south..


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